This page contains media coverage, research articles, preprints, medical opinion pieces, and policy documents. If we are missing items, please email them to the maintainer.


These are documents issued or prepared by Evusheld for the UK or by charity partners with whom we work, here released in the interests of transparency.

Selected Media Coverage

These are articles in mainstream media/press releases about Evusheld in the UK, in reverse chronological order. It also includes statements from major UK charities on the drug.

Research Articles, Preprints, Medical Opinion Pieces, and Policy Documents about Evusheld

These are formal research studies into the efficacy and dosage of Evusheld. These are arranged by alphabetical order of first author. We list here all articles (attempting a comprehensive literature review) rather than merely those with positive findings.

Articles marked [PREPRINT] have not necessarily been subject to peer review.

Secondary References

This secondary bibliography presents a selection of references on topics not directly related to Evusheld but that are of interest (e.g. the mental health implications of shielding).



BBC News - 3pm - 21 February 2022 from Shannon Banks on Vimeo.

Channel 5 News - 5pm - 12 July 2022 from Shannon Banks on Vimeo.

ITV News - 6:30pm - 26 July from Shannon Banks on Vimeo.